Why is Writing Content so Hard? - MKTX
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Why is Writing Content so Hard?

We often run into people who feel that developing content to support their marketing efforts is too hard to do. They sometimes tell us

We’d love to do blogs or whitepapers, but we just can’t find the time (or inspiration).
Why is this? Maybe it’s because people too often simply refer to such communication vehicles as “content.” It’s as though, faced with an empty garage, people are inspired to say “Gee, we need more stuff!” But that’s not the truth. Marketers sense that producing the right kind of content will be beneficial to their jobs – the media is always telling them that – but, they just sometimes stall in their tracks and can’t get it done.

What’s the solution? For starters, marketers should understand that each item of content needs a purpose, and they should use a more descriptive term or phrase to describe it:

Vision statements: They show prospective customers that you understand what your market issues are and how you propose to change the world for the better. People buy from other people that they like, and if you share their cause they will be drawn to you.

Answers to industry issues or most frequently asked questions: They show that you are competent to solve prospects’ problems. After all, selling is about their needs, not yours. Ask your customer support people what are the main things that people are asking.

Best practices: Everyone likes to hear about helpful hints that can make their jobs easier or more productive, or what’s behind your offering that enables it to serve peoples’ needs so well. You shouldn’t be afraid to share a little of your “secret sauce” to give your prospective customers some idea as to why and how your deliverables are better than the next guy’s.

At the end of the day you may still find it hard to find the time to write, but if you have some details gathered on what you would write if you had the time, then that’s a great starting point for discussions with a third-party content developer.

Bob Patterson

Leader of MKTX since its founding in 1998, Bob Patterson has over 30 years of experience in high-tech marketing. Bob received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Wharton School. He began his career at Intel Corporation where, during his 11 year tenure, he was part of the team of people instrumental in laying the foundations for Intel's success in the microprocessor market. Bob left Intel in 1987 and co-founded RadiSys Corporation, an Intel spin-off dedicated to exploiting the "Wintel" hardware/software standardization phenomenon in markets outside of desktop computing. As RadiSys' first VP of marketing and sales, Bob developed and executed the company's initial marketing plans and set up RadiSys' early sales channels. When Bob needs a break from cranking out strategies and content for our clients, he takes to the skies of the Northwest in his Cessna or his RV-12.