03 Mar Three ‘R’s of Content Marketing: Review, Refresh, Repurpose
Article By: Angie Griffin
While it would be great if every company had new products to launch every month, or even every quarter, that’s not always the case. How do you stay in contact with your interested prospects if you have nothing new to say? Don’t underestimate the value of the content you have previously developed and distributed. Everything old can be made new again!
Take inventory of the content your company has produced in years prior and REVIEW what might still be relevant and compelling. Perhaps the company’s history hasn’t been updated and your public does not know what you’ve been up to in recent months (or years). If you find what has been said before seems to lack luster, REFRESH it. Have our product managers add some information regarding recent upgrades to your technologies or products. Give it a critical eye, a fresh look, and publish it again.
Look at the testimonials or case studies you’ve published in the past. Have your customers enhanced their products in ways that justify taking a new look? Does an article that you produced for one publication have relevance to readers in another industry? If you’ve invested in creating a valuaable marketing asset and it has served its initial purpose, but still has solid value – REPURPOSE it.
Articles that ran previously in publications can be reformatted and updated for hosting on your website. Once you’ve updated your content, you can let everyone know where to find it by posting links on your social media sites and ‘tweeting’ about its existence. We’ve turned some great case studies into valuable marketing tools for handing out at trade shows and other events.
When it comes to marketing your company and its products or services, the key to good content is to make it relevant. Revisit your archives and determine if there is enough value still present in the information to ‘retell’ the story to meet the new demands of your audience. With a little polish, getting relevant content out to your clients and prospects will allow your company to keep on shining!